Thursday, April 17, 2014

Why every business leader needs a mentor?

My answer, to the above question, in one sentence: simply because of the honest feedback, a rare commodity in these days…

Being a business leader is complex and associates with broad responsibility. A business leader may receive feedback from his manager, peers and team members. It is amazing how many times the formal feedback tells you what you want to hear… In other cases measure of fear of repercussion is semantically noticed during feedback.

Whether formal or informal, in some cases these feedbacks are not complete and may not necessarily reflect full objectivity. There are many, diverse interests out there. For example, a manager may provide good feedback simply because "if it is not broken, do not need to fix it". Team members may be interested in pleasing or satisfying management, so constructive criticism may be limited.

Mentor feedback, however, should be very open and accurate. As such, it is much focused and probably very important, powerful tool for strategic business leadership development. There is not a strict definition for Mentor. It can be any trusted person, with relevant experience who can contribute significantly to the mentee development. Successful Mentorship could be achieved provided that one is fully committed to the development process.

Career development plans, formal training and performance reviews are important tools, but may not be enough, considering the broad nature of business leadership. Winning organizations should encourage mentoring either on formal or informal (yet structured) basis.

Every great leader that I know had a great role model as a mentor

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