Thursday, May 17, 2018

Innovation, intuition and... inspiration?

Every business has challenges, from sales to R&D, operations and HR. I have been there many times. Most of the ambitious businesses (corporations and startups alike) realize that innovation is a must growth factor.

Innovation can and should be a methodological process, as an acquired skill that can benefit with all functions of given organization.  In my previous posts I have claimed that anyone can innovate. The great thing about it is that there is no need to think out of the box or even break the box...
Embracing change or innovation is not always easy or intuitive. During my career I have experienced very complicated business situations, countless of times. As a systemic and organized business leader, I was always amazed by what I thought was "inspirational moments" which led me to solve very complicated business challenges (in companies such as 3M, Unilever, and few startups). I realize now that it has nothing to do with inspiration or "muse" - it was the innovative thinking process which created the so called "inspiration". I will say it again - anyone can innovate.
The innovation ingredients are already existed at your organization. All you need is a spark (or a professional like me...) to unleash the already existed innovative capabilities.  Let's talk. 

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