Monday, March 12, 2018

5 insights on Innovation. From Business  Leadership Experience.

My business innovation journey started years ago. I was really fortunate to work in a business leadership positions for few of the most innovative corporations in the world. Both 3M and Unilever are well known in general, and as innovation leaders, in particular. I was also inspired working for various startups, including my own venture. The business and technological areas I have covered were and are truly diverse. From advanced autonomous aerial platforms through innovative bio-metrics systems, communication technologies and HLS solutions. There was one thing in common, though for all the companies and ventures I worked for - the passion to innovate and grow. I would like to share few insights about this magical word - innovation.
1. The upside down puzzle
If I should visualize it, I would say that innovation is like solving an upside down puzzle. You think you know what you should do but it is complicated without seeing the overall picture. You start with the 4 edge pieces and focus on the piece by piece context. It means that you should concentrate better on visualizing the shapes instead of colors shades. Innovation is the way that lights the process, where eventually the pieces fit together. Once acquiring the innovative mindset, it really doesn't matter which way the puzzle faces. 
2. The 4 edge pieces
Innovation boost in any organization requires focus on 4 critical elements. Business leadership, employee's empowerment, lean management orientation and external influence. Innovative inspiration starts with the top leadership as a strategic decision. It is then become an integral part of the organization, an embedded value which contributes to true culture of innovation. Such culture could be better adapted by empowered employees. Employees that are encouraged to dare and take smart innovative risks, The human factor is one aspect of the equation. The organization itself should also adapt lean business management orientation to better support the overall culture of innovation. Still, it is not enough. Sometimes thinking out of the box is not enough. One need to go and interact out of the box. It means oneness to external influence, such as business cooperation and partnerships.
3. Setting the expectation
Innovation is an opportunity to embrace change, but we all know that change is not trivial. It should be managed as any other project, answering an immediate need with a long-term impact. The practical implementation of innovation may not necessarily result revolutionary change. It will, however reveal critical and practical advantages such as better / other products, advanced solution, improve ease of use, better price or even enhanced customer experience.
4. Implementation innovation comes with challenges
There is no one innovation program or magic formula that fits all, by definition. Innovation comes in different ways, shapes and forms. It is accepted and embraced differently by various organizations. Customized innovation program that introduces number of principals and practical methods can be considered. Once properly engaged, it should actually encourage creative thinking, problem solving mind-set and eventually a process and culture of innovation. For a purpose.
5. It is a fact
The rapid pace of change in the business arena combined with disruptive and accelerated technology capabilities, demand more innovation at a much faster rate. It not a question of when but how. The sooner the better...
Business innovation in action
The creative and diverse career journey has provided me with valuable innovative attitude - from experience. I know it from first hand because I have been there. The combination of 20 years of diverse business experience together with unique academic studies (BA in Philosophy & MA in Public Administration) has provided me with significant innovation tool-box. It is my mission now, to assist and support ambitious companies interested to grow and innovate. 
Feel free to contact me for more.

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