Saturday, June 28, 2014

Are there still benefits of knowing multiple languages?

English is widely spoken language in our global business world. Mastering few languages used to be a real asset in the past, but today we live in a global village where language is no longer a barrier. More and more global companies have physical presence in given countries, so language is not a challenge.

I do speak a few languages in a very good level, and others in working proficiency level. Got it from my family and as a student. It is a real pleasure. I do believe that by mastering (or even trying to learn) few other languages one shows some respect to other cultures. It also serves as a great international bridge for communication.

The question is: is it still relevant these days...?

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Leadership & Business Transformation

 The business environment is changing and companies need to adjust not only their vision and plans, but also the structure of the business processes.

The rapid development of information technology in the recent years has changed organizations dramatically. The use of technologies is much more intensive. In today's reality, more and more processes are knowledge-based and this has a specific implications for most of the companies. Combines with new business trends, it requires a rethinking process which generates transformation.

Some companies are faster than others, in terms of changing or fine tuning processes. Regardless of the size, companies must change and adapt to the ever changing reality in order to survive.  It is true not only for start-up companies, but also for big corporations. Take a look at the top 50 companies in the NASDAQ index. See how many corporations managed to stay on the top of the list in the last decades.

Management in general and business leaders in particular are expected to be the change agents.  They are accountable and should become the change catalysts. It means that leaders should re-align (if and when required) basic values, attitudes and business assumptions. Mega trends are also very important and need to be discussed accordingly. Business transformation is more than an enhanced strategic plan, as one may think. It is a strategic organization change plan.  Vision, mission and strategies are all taken into consideration.

In some cases it is possible that such process may affect not only the structure bus also the culture of the company. The one thing that will not change is the focus on the existing and potential customers.

The outcome of the transformation discussions and preparation work should be a solid plan. Then it should be executed decisively. It is not always the easiest thing to do (like any other change) but in most cases it is a must.

At the end of the transformation process the company should be able to move forward from the past state to the future state. Implemented properly, the outcome should be significant improvement in business procedures, system capabilities and eventually better business performance.  It is more likely that a more flexible, adaptive and responsive organization will prosper these days. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

4 reasons why business leaders should learn to trust instincts

 Successful business leaders and managers are using their intuitive sense of what's best for the company. It is vital for any lasting success.

1.       Getting a balanced decision is very important. There are many cases where you will not be able to see the entire picture due to lack or insufficient data. If you must receive a decision on such a condition, balancing intuition and rationality would probably be the best methodology.

2.       Getting to know yourself is significant as well. Great leaders are well aware of internal states, preferences and… intuitions. This awareness includes a strong sense of self-worth and capabilities which means self-confidence.

3.       Have you ever been asked to do something when all your instincts directed you not to do it?  If the answer is yes, try to think it over and figure out why you should have listened to yourself. It was probably your intuition telling you what would be the right thing to do (or what you should not do).

4.       Sometimes the best answer to a given business dilemma is simply in your gut. So, why fighting the natural flow of ideas?

"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." – Steve Jobs

The more we listen to our intuition, the more empowered  and better off we are. It is not an exact science or science at all, but the same applies for creativity… Just use it wisely. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Good business leader is also a good mentor

A good business leader should be able to provide feedback on the move. A good leader is also a good mentor. 

There is not a strict definition of a mentor. It can be any trusted person, with relevant experience who can contribute significantly to the mentee development. A successful mentorship could be achieved provided that both parties are fully committed to the development process.

It is very important to make sure that  mentor feedback is very open and accurate. As such, it is much focused and probably very important, powerful tool for strategic business leadership development.